Interconnectors part of the energy reliability solution

25th August 2019

Recently, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) released a report highlighting that additional power resources are needed to meet summer peaks. AEMO outlines that “…the acceleration of critical upgrades and construction of interconnectors and transmission to enable better use of existing and new supply resources…” is needed to improve reliability for customers. Project EnergyConnect is one of these projects which will improve electricity security and reliability and help utilise the availability of new resources. In response to the AEMO report, the Clean Energy Council also called for urgent new investment in Australia’s transmission networks to ensure the security of Australia’s energy system. Clean Energy Council CEO Kane Thornton said directing power to the parts of the country which need it most at any given time “will help to relieve the pressure on the power system and make the best use of the electricity we already have available”.

AEMO media release: 

Clean Energy Council release: